Best Virtual Reality for Non-Gamers

Many people out there are skeptical about virtual reality, thinking that it is only for those who like to play video games. In truth, VR is great for everybody and I have outlined the best VR experiences for non-gamers.

The best virtual reality experience for non-gamers is Google Earth VR. In terms of headsets, the best VR headset for non-gamers is the Oculus Go. Headsets engineered for gaming are generally set up for connection to a PC, whereas the Oculus Go is completely stand-alone and supports many experiences.

There are so many games and experiences out there that are perfect for people of all ages, genders, and interests. Continue reading to learn more about them and decide which will be your favorite!

Google Earth VR – Why It Is Perfect For Non-Gamers

Many non-gamers out there see VR as an addition to the gaming systems on the market. This is true to an extent, virtual reality is a great addition to the video game scene. However, a big part of the VR industry is geared towards the workplace to further develop industries and toward those who don’t like or play video games.

I have been a gamer throughout my whole life, so when virtual reality came out I was thrilled. I have had an HTC Vive for over a year, and to be completely honest my favorite experience on it to this day is Google Earth VR.

If you have ever opened up Google maps on your phone or computer and plopped yourself done into the street mode, then you will be able to visualize how cool Google Earth VR is. 5 years ago the street view on the computer was amazing, now it has been taken to the next step and is completely mind-blowing.

Google Earth VR is great for those who don’t love video games because it is passive, visually appealing, and really shows the power of virtual reality.

Through my own experience, I have had opportunities to show virtual reality equipment to people of all ages and interests. My grandparents have tried out Google Earth VR, along with my wife’s grandparents. It blew them away and brought tears to their eyes. My wife’s grandpa, for example, lived in Germany for two years when he was younger. For 50 years he has been dreaming of returning. When he was able to visit through virtual reality he was thrilled.

My wife is not very fond of video games, but she loves these experiences as well. Google Earth VR is the best way to show someone the power of VR and blow their mind away without them having to jump into a game.

The Oculus Go – Best VR Headset for Non-Gamers

The Oculus Go VR headset was revolutionary to the virtual reality world. This headset, unlike many of the others, wasn’t designed with gaming as one of its main purposes.

In fact, the Oculus Go has little capacity and capability for gaming. Being a stand-alone headset (not connected to a PC), it doesn’t come with the hardware needed to play most of the popular VR games out there like Beat Saber or Super Hot.

Instead, the Oculus Go was designed more for simple VR experiences and video watching. Watching videos and movies is quite incredible on the Go, and is great for non-gamers as well.

A good example of these easy-going VR experiences is watching 360-degree videos on YouTube. The wearer can go deep-sea diving, ride a crazy rollercoaster, or fly over mountains. It is an understatement to say that these experiences are magnificent. The best part is, they have nothing to do with video games and anyone can have a good time trying it out.

The Oculus Go also comes with other simple and fun experiences that are great for non-gamers. There is a Google Earth-like app called Wander that is very fun. One can ride roller coasters, watch videos, and many other things.

Other Great VR Experiences & Headsets for Non-Gamers

Great Non-Gamer Virtual Reality Experiences

I stand by what I said earlier: watching movies and videos in VR on Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube are very fun and great for people who don’t play video games. There is something really special and fun about watching things in virtual reality.

I also think that Richie’s Plank Experience is an amazing thing to do in VR for anyone despite their views on gaming! In this app, a person gets put on top of a high skyscraper and can walk out on a plank. I have seen over a hundred people try this out, of all ages and sizes, and everyone has LOVED it!

There are so many different experiences out there for everybody, and here is a big list of our favorite experiences that are not necessarily games:

Netflix/Hulu/Amazon Prime

Video streaming really is one of the best VR experiences that you can have. I love laying down in bed and watching tv on what looks like a 70-inch screen on my ceiling.

Some streaming services work better than others, but really it is a great option. Almost every virtual reality headset has these apps in the library so it is easy to set up.

Google Tilt Brush

Maybe you are not a gamer, but instead, are a bit more of an artist. Google’s tilt brush is a 3D painting program that allows you to make some truly beautiful art in a 3D world. Don’t believe me? Check out their promo video:

VR Web browsing

Virtual reality has a lot of web support believe it or not. Many streaming services do a great job of having a three-dimensional video. Most really popular streaming services support virtual reality if you catch my drift.

Google Earth/Wander

Like I mentioned earlier, google earth is a great experience in virtual reality. You feel like superman flying through the sky all over the world! This is the best game for beginners in VR. I have put old ladies in this and they had their minds blown!

Youtube VR

Youtube is a great experience in virtual reality. They have plenty of 360 videos that are perfect for watching in an Oculus Go or even google cardboard.

Google does a great job with their virtual reality experiences, and virtual reality is no different.

Great Non-Gamer Virtual Reality Headsets

The Oculus Quest, similar to the Oculus Go. It is also a great headset for people who aren’t interested in video games. This headset is amazing and is basically an upgraded version of the Oculus Go. However, the Oculus Quest was designed to have more processing power and software than the Oculus Go. This was done so that the headset could have more capability to play games. So, for a non-gamer, this headset probably isn’t the best investment.

Some of the more expensive headsets like the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift S, etc are more specifically designed for video gamers. If you really have no interest in video games then I would recommend that you save your money and invest in a cheaper headset that will still give a fun VR experience.

When it comes down to it, every virtual reality headset out there, whether designed to play video games or not, is going to have great activities and experiences for non-gamers. Virtual reality is amazing, and despite your interests you will always be able to find something on there that is fun and perfect for you.

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