Using Virtual Reality for meditation (with pictures)

Virtual reality has so many applications, and meditation is one that everybody can enjoy.

Using a simple application, virtual reality can guide the user through the meditation, and with the help of the headset can be teleported to a different world; real or fantasy.

If you are the type that loves to meditate or is really interested in meditation, then virtual reality might be exactly what you need.

What is VR meditation like?

Simply put, meditating in virtual reality is like having a guided meditation while surrounded by calming scenery and sounds. You can choose the surroundings of the guided meditation as well as the sounds. Depending on the environment that you select, you could be in a quiet forest clearing, or on a beautiful mountaintop. If you choose to wear headphones and have a nice surface to sit on, the virtual reality can be quite convincing.

Meditation in virtual reality can be really amazing. My biggest struggle when meditating is always getting distracted by things around me, so having a guided meditation where you are blinded and deafened to everything outside of the virtual reality headset is really preferable.

In all of the virtual reality meditation software that I have used, there are tons of options in terms of what the meditation entails.

Some software allows you to create your own meditation program by selecting the calming sounds in the background, the location that you are meditating, and of course the auditory guide that takes you through the meditation process.


In terms of location, you can pretty much be in any sort of location that you want. You could be high in the sky, or deep in a secluded forest.

The magic of virtual reality is that you are not confined to any sort of physical barrier, meaning you can go to all sorts of places. You could be on the moon, in a field under the stars, or even in an empty city street.

The great thing about this is that you can choose wherever you will be the most relaxed, and the virtual reality will put a pretty good representation of that location directly into your brain. It will mimic sounds and sight, but the smell will be up to you!

I personally tend to lean towards more nature-based places. Sometimes I choose to use a forest, or sometimes even a canyon.

Virtual reality can really enhance the meditation experience with this location-based relaxation. With the headset on, it is hard to check your phone or get distracted by looking at the time. You will feel isolated in your location of choice and will be able to enjoy the peaceful solitude free of distraction.


When meditating, some people choose to have some simple nature sounds playing in the background, or even some really slow and calming music.

Those things can all be simulated inside the virtual reality headset. The great part of doing that is how easy and modular it is. You can choose any type of music that will feed your peaceful mindset directly inside the virtual reality mediation software.

Each of the sounds that play feels real and enhances the experience.

If you are the type to get easily distracted by random noises, you can connect a pair of noise-canceling headphones in order to get the full effect. Depending on the headphones that you get, you will be shocked at how real it makes things feel.

Make sure that you wear headphones in the correct ears. Meaning the right headphone goes into the right ear. That will provide the effect that the sounds are moving around you. Virtual reality benefits from all sorts of surround sound that will blow your mind.

Benefits of Meditating in VR

Meditating in virtual reality can be really amazing, so here is a rundown of the benefits of using VR to meditate.

One-stop shop

Pretty much everything that you need to get started is inside one of the many meditation apps that you can get through the oculus store.

These apps have plenty of different options that will guide you through some really great peace bringing and soul-seeking meditation.


One of the issues with meditation classes is that they are so rigid. Sometimes you need to meditate when you are feeling stressed, or at a time when there is not a specific meditation class led by an instructor.

The great thing about having a virtual reality headset for meditation is that you can take it anywhere and use it anytime. If you have a pair of headphones, you could even use it in places like public transit or at work!

That level of portability is amazing, and that is the chief reason why virtual reality is so awesome.

Ease of Use

Some people are scared off by VR thinking that it is really intimidating and complicated when in reality it is as simple as navigating your phone.

These headsets were designed for normal people to use, not tech gurus. That means they are really simple to use and very fast to get started in.

Fairly inexpensive

Some yoga or meditation classes can cost an arm and a leg, and while a virtual reality headset can cost a lot too, some are not too bad.

There is also the added benefit that you have a virtual reality headset with a lot more applications than just meditation.

There are so many different ways that virtual reality can benefit you, and when you weight the pros and cons it really isn’t that expensive.

Every day the price of virtual reality headsets is dropping. Oculus Go has dropped in price fairly often as new tech comes out. As long as you keep an eye out for deals you shouldn’t spend all that much money.

Plenty of Options

Virtual reality is all about options.

There are options with how you meditate, what headset you use, what type of meditation that you are going for, the kind of environment that you are in, and what type of accessories that you decide to go with.

These options are one of the many reasons that virtual reality is awesome. Not even the sky is the limit. You can even meditate in space!

What do I need to meditate in VR?

Meditating in virtual reality is great, but a lot of people really don’t know where to start. Knowing what equipment to get can be half the battle.

Our goal is to make sure that you know exactly what headset you should get to fit your needs.


There are several different headsets out there for meditating in virtual reality, and I will walk you through them.

Oculus Go

If all you are looking to do is meditate in virtual reality, then the Oculus Go is a fantastic option. It is fairly inexpensive and does exactly what most people looking to meditate need. At the time of writing this, the Oculus Go only costs $200 on Amazon.

The Oculus Go is limited in what it can do in terms of functionality, but if you are just looking for something to meditate in, then this is the way to go. Everything you need to get into virtual reality is in this headset. It has its own processing and battery so it doesn’t have any pesky cables to get in the way of your meditation, and feels really comfortable to wear and is fairly light.

You can find the Oculus Go on Amazon by clicking here.

Oculus Quest

The Oculus Quest is one of the greatest innovations out there in terms of new VR technology. It fits in this little niche between the Oculus Go and the larger headsets that require cords connected to your tv. This headset is really impressive because it gives you a complete virtual reality experience without the need for a really expensive personal computer with it.

If you are AT ALL INTERESTED in the other things that virtual reality has to offer, then I recommend the Oculus Quest.

You will have access to games that are so fun they will have you playing for longer than you should, and even might have you dropping some pounds because they are physically intense!

For example, the Oculus Quest has beat saber available, which is my personal favorite virtual reality game. I know of people that have lost plenty of weight because they used this game for their cardio!

Go check out the Oculus Quest on Amazon and you will see what I mean.

Phone-Based Headsets

If you are not interested in buying a stand-alone virtual reality headset then the next best option is to get a headset that you can slip your phone into. I only recommend this if you have a fairly large phone that has a high pixel density screen. If you have a smaller phone with low resolution, the experience is going to be greatly reduced.

The two best phone VR headsets out there are the Samsung Gear VR and the Google Daydream VR headset.

The Samsung Gear is built for Samsung phones, and will only work if you have a newer Samsung galaxy phone, preferably their larger models like the note or the plus. Do some research as to which one will fit your phone, but there are off brands out there so be aware of what you are buying.

Google Daydream headsets are more “one size fits all” and will be able to fit most phones comfortably. Make sure it is compatible before buying.

The reason I caution against these headsets is that they are not a complete system. You really don’t know how your phone is going to do in virtual reality until you try it, and that is a risk that you should not take.


Most, if not all virtual reality headsets have some sort of port on them that allows a simple set of headphones to be connected.

All of the standalone headsets out there have some sort of built-in speaker system that works fine, so in all honesty, you don’t need a set of headphones if you don’t want to spend the extra cash. If however, you want to have the most immersive and secluded meditation experience then I deem it necessary for you to purchase a set of noise-canceling headphones.

You probably already have a set of headphones somewhere, and everybody has a different taste in what they want in their headphones. Just choose a set that is comfortable. Bluetooth or corded headphones will work fine.

A Good Space

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they enter virtual reality is not having a designated space.

Meditation in virtual reality requires a really nice space that is quiet, comfortable, and set aside from the regular hustle and bustle. Many people think that you need a specific room for this, but in reality, you can simply use a closet or open floor space in a bedroom.

You can use anything that is comfortable. You could even go outside, although it somewhat defeats the purpose of having a virtual reality headset.

Many people use a yoga mat to help them set aside space. In virtual reality, you cannot see the boundaries of your space, but if you have some sort of rug, then you know that when you step off of it you are no longer in your safe space.


Everything in life takes time, and meditation takes a decent chunk of it.

To truly get the benefits of meditation, you need to give it the time it is due on a consistent basis.

The worst thing you could do is try to meditate once for 30 seconds and then give up. You need to give this effort and time consistently. Any person that is into meditation knows that it requires a fair bit of dedication and time to make it effective. The great thing about virtual reality meditation is that you can build the timer into the meditation so that you are ready to go when it is time to go as opposed to choosing to leave early.

Is it worth it?

Many people are looking for a new experience, and virtual reality can provide that new experience for you. Meditation is nothing new, in fact, people have been doing it for a very long time.

Virtual reality mediation is great. You are able to go anywhere in the world to meditate. That potential is awesome. More and more software is going to come out that allows for even more impressive experiences.

The interesting thing about meditation in virtual reality is that you end up closing your eyes a lot, which may seem like you are missing the point. After using the software a decent amount, I have realized that your brain will make it seem more real when you close your eyes. Closing your eyes almost enhances the experience!

If you are looking for a way to have guided meditation without having access to warm outdoor weather, then virtual reality is definitely worth it.

You can get a virtual reality headset for cheap these days, and it will work great for meditation.

You can instantly enter a serene landscape from anywhere with a VR headset, and that is priceless.

Sean Pooley

Hey, I'm Sean, and I am a co-founder of Cyber Space Virtual Reality. I have a strong passion for everything VR and I hope to tell the world how awesome it is and help everybody experience it in new ways!

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