Virtual Reality Devices and Categories

There are several categories of virtual reality headsets, and each one has its pro’s and con’s. I have done extensive research on each one and have developed the best description for them.

There are 3 different categories of virtual reality devices:

  1. Tethered Devices
  2. Standalone Devices
  3. Phone-based Devices

Each of these categories has a lot of different equipment and all come with their own pros and cons.

Tethered Devices

Tethered devices are the highest quality virtual reality equipment out there.

These headsets are used in a vast number of applications including video games, design, military training, and flight simulators. The reason tethered devices are chosen for these tasks is that they are the best experience that can be provided with VR at the moment.

What makes them so much better? These headsets require a fairly high-end computer with enough graphics processing to handle the high-resolution screen that comes in these headsets. That means that you have a really high-quality visual representation of the virtual world that is responsive to your movements and actions.

These headsets are truly amazing, the epitome of VR. As mentioned, they are high in quality, which makes them expensive. They are also difficult for most people to get ahold of because of the PC that makes them run. Many families don’t have the money or know how to get one.

Headsets in this category

HTC Vive Cosmos

HTC started its venture into the virtual reality space with its first headset called the HTC Vive. The HTC Vive was great, and it even had an upgraded version called the Vive Pro. The Vive Cosmos takes the things that the original Vive did right and then takes it to the next level.

The Vive Cosmos uses inside out tracking and is really just a huge upgrade from its predecessor. This device is targeted at consumer use and therefore it has great steam integration so that people can play games very easily.

Oculus Rift S

The Rift S is the flagship device for the new line of Oculus Headsets. The Oculus S is a huge upgrade to the previous Oculus CR1 headset.

Using an array of cameras on the outside of the headset, the Rift S tracks your position. Instead of using bulky sensors like its predecessor, this headset only needs the cord connected to the PC and nothing else.

I recommend this headset to anybody who wants to get into high-end VR. Check it out on Amazon here.

Valve Index

After teaming up with HTC for the Vive, Valve (the founder of Steam) decided that they wanted to try their hand at creating their own headset.

Although many of the newer headsets opted to get rid of the lighthouses and sensors, Valve decided to keep them out of a desire to have the best tracking possible.

This headset is going to cost you around $1000 dollars, which is pretty crazy. This is honestly really targeted at businesses and government applications. Places like VR arcades, Aviation training facilities, and military bases are going to use this headset because it is the best of the best.

Standalone Devices

These devices are getting more and more popular and for good reason. Standalone devices do not require any additional hardware to run, meaning they have onboard graphics processing and battery. These headsets end up being cheaper than tethered headsets since you do not need an expensive computer to use them. These are two HUGE pros!

The only cons to these headsets is that since they are cheaper, they don’t have the hardware to run as many games or experiences.

However, these headsets are getting more and more apps as time goes on, especially since Facebook is the one that has produced the vast majority of these headsets

Headsets in this category

Honestly, I am a huge fan of these types of headsets. They are really easy to use and only take a couple of seconds to set up.

This part of the market is the newest, and therefore there just arent that many headsets in this category.

Oculus Go

The Oculus Go will always have a very special place in my heart. In my opinion, everybody should own one. It is the best headset to buy if you are on a budget!

The Oculus Go is one of the cheapest headsets you can buy. Depending on the day, they can cost anywhere between $150 and 200 Dollars on Amazon (click here to check the current price).

There are so many applications for this headset, and I can’t recommend it enough. All that this headset comes with is a single controller. That’s it! all you can do is simple navigation and interaction. That being said, this headset is one of the best user experiences out there.

It is light, it is cheap, and you can do some really awesome things like watch 360-degree video.

If you want a headset to simply watch Netflix, this is the headset for you.

Oculus Quest

The Oculus Quest is really amazing. It is basically an upgraded version of the Oculus Go.

It is the latest and greatest in standalone VR technology. Using the same tracking that comes with the Oculus S, the Quest is able to be used in any area with the added benefit of not just simple head tracking as with the oculus go, but full-on spacial tracking.

This is going to be the standard eventually. At some point, we are going to have stand-alone headsets that have the same capabilities as the tethered headsets, and this is a step in that direction.

Most video game consoles cost around 300 dollars, but the Oculus Quest costs a little more than that at 400 dollars. That being said, you sure are getting a lot for a short amount of money. The Oculus Quest can play a lot of games that its tethered counterpart can, and therefore it meets the standards that a lot of people are looking for.

If you want a great experience in virtual reality without building a computer, this is the headset to get. You really won’t find it any cheaper than you do on Amazon, so click here to check it out.

Phone-based Devices

Although they work alright, phone-based VR devices are very simple. These devices are more of a simple demonstration rather than being a fully functional device. They are limited to simple games and experiences.

I have had a decent amount of fun using this type of device, and they are not bad at all. They are just not even close to the experience that you are going to have with other devices.

Headsets in this category

Samsung GearVR

Samsung really pushed VR forward when they released their headset for the Samsung Galaxy 9 series.

Out of nowhere, Samsung provided its massive customer base with access to VR with this simple addition to VR. After playing with this headset, I can say that it is pretty good, but honestly, it just isn’t where I want it to be. The screen resolution feels low, yet it is playable.

Samsung will continue to release new versions of this, which is awesome. I hope they keep adding more and more.

Google Daydream

The Google daydream is a simple but effective way to turn almost any smartphone into a virtual reality device. It runs Google cardboard and has a really nice look to it.

Other 3D technology

There are lots of other devices that have some form of 3 dimensional technology, although they may not be any type of virtual reality.

Some examples of this are the Nintendo’s 3DS portable gaming system and 3D televisions.

Although these can be really amazing, they are not really virtual reality. 3D images require interaction in order to be considered virtual reality.

Interaction could be all sorts of things, but this interaction must resemble reality in some way. A good example is using your head and neck to change what is being viewed. That level of interaction that would also happen in reality is what distinguishes 3D technology from VR tech.

Which VR Device is Best for You?

There are so many different options for virtual realty devices that it can be hard to choose which one fits best for you and your circumstances.

If you have the money, a big interest in virtual reality, and are somewhat tech savvy, then I highly recommend a tethered VR device.

They are the best of the best, so if you can afford it and troubleshoot when things go wrong then go for it!

If you are somewhat on a budget, then go for a stand-alone VR headset. An Oculus Go or Quest will be affordable and enjoyable.

If you really don’t want to invest much into virtual reality but would like a taste of it, go for a phone based device. It will still be fun and blow your mind!

Sean Pooley

Hey, I'm Sean, and I am a co-founder of Cyber Space Virtual Reality. I have a strong passion for everything VR and I hope to tell the world how awesome it is and help everybody experience it in new ways!

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